
Find Your Way Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis in English and Swedish

Services Provided


I work with individual therapy with adults of all ages. My mother tongue is English and I speak Swedish fluently. I am happy to offer you treatment in either language. I provide the following range of treatment. The different treatment forms may overlap to some extent. Also, the times in parentheses are meant as a guide and may vary in individual cases.


Consultation (one to four times)

A consultation is useful when you are facing a particular problem, issue, or transition and you wish to gain further perspective. It may be sufficient in itself or lead to the decision to seek further treatment.


Supportive psychotherapy (once per week or once every second week)

The aim of supportive psychotherapy is mainly to help you to cope and regain your sense of balance after having gone through some type of crisis or difficulty in your life. It is usually short-term but may be longer.


Insight psychotherapy (one to two times per week)

In insight psychotherapy the aim is to understand yourself on a deeper level. Although supportive techniques are used, it also involves exploring more unconscious parts of yourself and discovering how these may be influencing your feelings, thoughts, and behavior. More time is required than in supportive psychotherapy, although short-term insight therapy may also be used for more focused problems.


Psychoanalysis (four to five times per week)

The deepest method for learning to understand yourself is psychoanalysis. Although similar to insight psychotherapy in aim, it allows for deeper work because it a longer treatment and because of the frequency of the sessions. In psychoanalysis one does not have eye-to-eye contact with the analyst. You lie on a couch and the analyst sits behind your head. This allows you to focus more deeply on your thoughts and feelings.

No one form of treatment is better than another. The choice of treatment depends more on what problem you are seeking help for as well as other factors such as the time you have available, your motivation, and even your economic situation.


The decision about what form of treatment is best for you is one of the questions which we will take up in the initial interviews where you decide whether or not you wish to begin treatment.

Lenore Arnberg

PhD, Licensed Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst




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